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wilsoncgp last won the day on September 1 2024

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About wilsoncgp

  • Birthday 10/31/1990

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  1. Welcome to open those kind of threads over here.
  2. Let's quit with wishing injuries/retirement on our players when they don't perform well because combined with the fact they seem to continue to get mysterious injuries, we'll have none left.
  3. If Wilder was a Boro fan, I would agree. He wouldn't accept being at this level for anyone else and his head would get turned by the first club losing their manager in the Prem for all the good will earned for doing well at this level again.
  4. I don't know if I'd go as far as to say sacking him is the right move but I think everyone is in their right mind to suggest he should be doing better with what he has. So if it comes, I don't think he can have many complaints. I don't really care enough right now either way to passionately fight for or against him. This season will reflect on him in a pretty big way whether he likes it or not, though. Can he motivate and bring out the collective talents of this group in the final third of the campaign or will we continue to flatter to deceive. I suspect the latter but I hope I'm incredibly wrong for all of our sakes.
  5. Between the two of them, they've managed to take a team that's struggling to defend and drop a number from their central ranks without ever intending to add to it. On this front right now, that seems barmy.
  6. I honestly don't care any more. They can do what they want. I hope that he stays and he turns it around and gets us back on track. But if he doesn't get us back on track then whatever, I'm all but completely apathetic to his cause. I think either way he needs to own the impact he has. I've seen this fanbase angry and upset, I'm not sure I've ever seen them so uncaring about a good squad with a good opportunity at promotion at this level.
  7. I think you'd be shocked how often there's a so-called 'reasonable excuse' for us to be dropping points. We could get lost in analysing each instance for days on end. The fact is they happened at the start of the season, they've happened throughout the season, they're still happening now. It's hard to constantly feel like you have to justify that a result would have been different if not for the fine margins we found ourselves on the wrong side of. It's that our only consistency is in being on the wrong side of them that is one of our biggest problems.
  8. Watched the last 10-15 and you could see there was only one way that result was changing. Sunderland weren't all over the ball, they weren't dominating on the ball, but their shape was something we didn't seem to have an answer to. Then the goal is just predictable from there. We get caught too high up, our players are too slow to recover and someone makes a mistake and it's 3-2. Carrick had a go about people being pessimistic the other game, what exactly does he expect when you have to score 4 goals to guarantee winning a game? We're not world-beaters up top, we have played some nice stuff this season at times but as soon as there is any kind of challenge in front of us we cower and hide. I heard we started the game well but it literally means nothing. As we've already seen this season, we can play a whole half well and it means nothing until the final whistle blows at the end of the game. Carrick will not get this team promoted until he learns to inspire this team and make them accountable. We're into the final third of the season and we have yet to see any consistency in our defensive display and we have no heart. Even if you accept the automatics are gone, you do not get through the playoffs without heart, courage, bravery, all the stuff that most competitive teams punching above their weight have at this level as an absolute bare minimum. Carrick shields them from everything and has started putting a negative spin on anything that remotely suggests this team isn't heading in the right direction. He dilutes everything to the purity of nonsense. What comes across as calm and thoughtful during the good times comes across as naivete and a serious lack of leadership during the bad times.
  9. Come on, let's stop this now. Nobody gets a prize for getting the last word in.
  10. If Mbappe has his priorities right relative to his quality, I would say flying towards London away from Boro probably is the right way. 😂
  11. That's not even what he's said there, you're conflating what he's said into your argument, give it a rest.
  12. You're trying to put the world to rights on a football forum. How many times do we have to go through this on here to prove to you that it doesn't work?
  13. I think this one has run it's course, get back to the game, please.
  14. Reactions like this is exactly why Sunderland fans love Luke O'Nien. Getting into opposition fans heads before the game even kicks off. Agreed with @TeaCider24 though, competent refereeing at this level and he'd be a different player getting a different experience of this league. Mind you, I reckon Dani Ayala wouldn't have been half the player he was for us with competent refereeing too.
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