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RIP Ali Brownlee


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Hopefully the Evening Gazette interview with oneBoro will soon be available but in the meantime and probably the last interview we can possibly do the voice of MFC at match day commentaries Alastair Brownlee has kindly agreed to put himself in the hot seat and to be interviewed for oneBoroTV podcast.


So that others get the chance to be involved Red Rocket has agreed to do the interview part of this feature, Ali Brownlee has promised to get back to me this week about a suitable date and time giving us the chance to sort out who will do the recording.


So like other features if you would like to pose some questions to Ali Brownlee then please pot them on here and hopefully Red Rocket will have lots to collate and ask Ali when the day arrives.


I believe it will be done before the Brighton match by the way.  

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When you said "All yound mine for a parmo?" , did anyone turn up??


This might just be *** but I'm sure I heard at the time that loads of people turned up and his wife had to tell them all to leave.

I have also heard this. It's probably *** though

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Hopefully the Evening Gazette interview with oneBoro will soon be available but in the meantime and probably the last interview we can possibly do the voice of MFC at match day commentaries Alastair Brownlee has kindly agreed to put himself in the hot seat and to be interviewed for oneBoroTV podcast.


D's you should get in touch with the former players association there's tons of interesting interviews you'll be able to set up

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Hopefully the Evening Gazette interview with oneBoro will soon be available but in the meantime and probably the last interview we can possibly do the voice of MFC at match day commentaries Alastair Brownlee has kindly agreed to put himself in the hot seat and to be interviewed for oneBoroTV podcast.


D's you should get in touch with the former players association there's tons of interesting interviews you'll be able to set up


That's a great idea and I know that Southern Smog wants to get the oneBoroTV and podcasts more active moving ahead.


Best to let him advise you as to what he has already mentioned to me in terms of getting press passes for future games as it is quite exciting.


I honestly feel that our early attempts have started off really well and could soon become part and parcel of this forum :)

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